Melbourne Physiotherapy Pilates + Fitness Group


We are living in rapidly changing times and seeing unprecedented actions implemented by the government as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  As a result we are carefully following all advice from both National and State Governments.  In light of the announcements regarding the closing of non-essential services we have received the following information from the Australian Physiotherapy Association: The Australian Minister for Health has today confirmed that ALL allied health businesses can continue working and are encouraged to do so. “Face to face services for many remain vital so where possible, we encourage you to continue. I thank you for your courage, dedication and care”, the Minister has said.”

Melbourne Physiotherapy, Pilates and Fitness Group is committed to continuing to provide services to those in need of ongoing rehabilitation. We are currently reviewing and adjusting all procedures to ensure we are complying with social distancing requirements; the health of our patients and staff are of the utmost importance.  As this situation is ever-evolving we do ask for your patience. However, remain assured that we are following all guidelines and remaining diligent in our hygiene measures.

These thorough hygiene measures are standard practice at MPPFG. However, in light of the Covid-19 outbreak we have put in place a number of strict measures to help protect our patients, staff and wider community:

  1.      Everyone attending the clinic is asked to sanitise their hands on entry and exit.
  2.      Patients with any flu-like symptoms, who have recently returned from overseas/high risk areas, or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 are asked not to attend the clinic and to reschedule their appointments.
  3.      Wiping down equipment before and after each use with a 65%+ ethanol solution.
  4.      Asking patients to bring their own clean towel and small equipment, where possible.
  5.      Linen has been removed from our treatment beds to allow for frequent sterilising. Fresh towels will be used when needed, single use only.
  6.      Chairs in our wait room have been spaced to 1.5 meters apart.
  7.      Our receptionists will be sanitising their hands after each transaction. We ask that our patients tap their cards where possible.
  8.      Regular disinfecting of surfaces in the waiting room, door handles, at the desk, in the studio and gym, and commonly used appliances.
  9.      Please also be reassured that Fitzroy Street Medical Centre is NOT a COVID-19 testing clinic and EVERY patient booked in with them is SCREENED for cold/flu like symptoms before they are allowed into the clinic.

While the situation we face is concerning, please be assured that we are working tirelessly to uphold the highest levels of hygiene and safety measures in order to continue to provide you with your rehabilitation needs.


If you have any further questions, please call (03) 9534 0611.

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