Melbourne Physiotherapy Pilates + Fitness Group

Dietetics Updates And Vitamin D!

Following the lifting of some COVID-19 related restrictions, face-to-face Dietetics appointments with our Dietitian Alice Mika are available once again. Alice is currently available for face-to-face appointments on Tuesdays between 8am and 1pm.

Alice has also written a new blog post about Vitamin D and safe exposure to sunlight, which you can read below. To book in, call (03) 9534 0611!

With the weather improving, now is a great time to think about the role of Vitamin D in the body and how to achieve safe exposure to sunlight. 

Also called calciferol, Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods, but also added as fortification to others. Vitamin D is most commonly known as the vitamin our bodies produce when we expose our bodies to UV or sunlight. 

Vitamin D plays a role in supporting calcium absorption as well as bone growth and remodelling. Vitamin D also supports a reduction in inflammation, immune function and glucose metabolism. 

Food sources of Vitamin D include high fat fish like salmon and tuna, and fish liver oils. Foods fortified with vitamin D in Australia include some milk, breads, and cereals. 

As we are able to produce vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, getting outside into the sun daily is a good way to support vitamin D intake. However, it is important to do this safely. During times that the UV rating is high, aim to get outside for a few minutes in the morning or afternoon when the rating is lower to ensure safe exposure to sunlight. It is believed that a few minutes in both the morning and afternoon is adequate to top up vitamin D stores and prevent deficiency. 

If you are concerned about your vitamin D levels, speak to your GP about getting your levels checked and whether supplementation is right for you. 

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